I saw this quote on the bathroom wall at Earwax in Chicago yesterday . While Earwax's website is atrocious, their food is amazing and the bathroom ruminations even better.
Real eyes realize real lies. Just be a good person. This completely resonates with me. If one lives their life in a shroud of dishonesty, isn't ethical in business practices or is just a bit shady in general, the truth comes out. It is a simple reminder to focus on the good. It is so much harder to live a life of lies, to have to cover up the truth or sweat someone finding out something isn't what is seems.
Yeah, sometimes it sucks to tell the truth, admit fault; it can be embarrassing. Hurting another individual is the worst. It is still better than being a dishonest person.
I have been spending a lot of time evaluating my life, my career, the place I call home - it leads to a lot of introspection but also means looking outward. I don't have time to be around people who cannot add something meaningful to my life. I don't have the patience to deal with fake people. Life is short and it is ever changing. Good things happen to good people. I always want instantaneous results so this whole, which direction is my life headed, what is the right path? thing is tough because it cannot be done overnight. I do know that as I move forward I continue to grow as a person and am focused on surrounding myself with positive forces.
This past weekend I got to spend a lot of time with two of my best friends and also got to know a few other amazing people on a more personal level. As my friend and I dissected the weekend we talked about how absolutely fortunate we are to not only have each other in our lives, but to also have core people who enhance our lives both professionally and personally. What a realization. Good people breed an aura of happiness and general contentment and why waste time on anything or anyone that can't bring that.